Friday, 24 February 2012


It’s been awhile since I wrote on this blog.  This is supposed to be a simple way to keep a lot of people updated as to our whereabouts.  However, the tool only works as well as the tool operator.  So now I am a couple of months behind in my updates.    Derek and I have been spending our time focusing on getting to know each other and getting to know his friends and family better.  The greatest part of this is that “his” friends and family are now “our” friends and family.  Today I am reflecting on those people who have become very important to me in a very short space of time.  Before I left Calgary, my Dad said to me, "And remember to post photos of the people who you are meeting.  We want to know who you are getting to know."  I think my Dad realized long before I did that it is the people who make an adventure, not just the places you adventure into!  

Derek and I have seen many beautiful things since we’ve been in South Africa.  He still has a long list of places he wants to share with me and our remaining time already feels so short.   We’ve seen gorgeous beaches, soaring mountains, game reserves, ostrich farms, the stunning Karoo desert, farmer's markets and the lush tropical paradise that is Durban.  We have plans to visit Cape Town, Johannesburg, the Kruger National Park and places in between.  Every part of South Africa is fascinating and beautiful and exotic.  Everything excites me and nothing has disappointed me so far. 
But the thing that has impressed me the most about South Africa is the people.  I am so amazed at the wonderful people that I have met and who have taken me (and Derek) into their hearts and homes.  I think it says something about the man I have married that he has deliberately surrounded himself with quality friends.  Those same people have just automatically loved me and taken me into their circle of life.   
We are so acutely aware of how short our time is here.  I am already experiencing waves of sadness just thinking about having to leave here soon.  We are hoping that many of our SA friends will one day be able to come and visit us in Canada.  But at the same time, I know that when we say goodbye, there are some we will not see again this side of eternity.  So what do you do when you know a farewell is coming soon?  You make the most of every minute you have right now.  Ideally, that’s how I should be living my life every day regardless, but this African experience has really highlighted the truth of this to me.  Don’t waste a minute on negativity.  Enjoy each moment to the full. Don’t be afraid to try new may not get the same chance again.  Look for the good in others and point it out when you find it.  Tell people how you feel about them.  Don't hold back.  People are desperate for real friendships with real people...genuine people who love them honestly, encourage them consistently and stand with them when they need help.  So here are a few photos of some of the people who have enriched my life these past few months.  I hope I can repay them with many years of friendship, whether we are on the same continent or not.  

Judisha and Panganai from Unilever... Derek has some great
work colleagues who have made an effort to get to know
Derek and I as a couple.  

Rob and Chantal... Rob sold Derek the engagement ring that
he brought with him to Calgary in July.  I have a soft spot in my
heart for him and his wife. What an amazing couple!

Rob, Chantal, Ant, Les, Steve and Zoe...
Derek's premarital counsellors.
Good job, guys!
He is an amazing husband.

Steve and Zoe ... they provided premarital advice for Derek before we
tied the knot and since I've arrived, they have showered us both with love.
Zoe is my Umdloti buddy, my writing mentor and my friend.
What would we do without you two?
Clive and Gen and their little men...Clive made the trip all the way
to Canada to be Derek's best man back in October.
We know we can count on them for anything.  Truly great people.

George and Michelle... George is Derek's "jamming" buddy.  They
often do worship together at church. George has a real heart for people
and a desire to lead them into deeper relationship with God through worship.
Mich picks me up whenever I need a lift and is always encouraging and upbeat.
They are the kind of parents I hope Derek and I can one day aspire to be. 

Gert and Annelize... Gert acted as my personal chauffeur for the first few weeks
that I was here when I was crippled by a fear of driving in this strange city.
Annelize is one of the most open and genuine people I have ever met.  They sometimes
force me out of bed to walk the beach before 6am.  I love them for it after the fact!

Stephan and Wendy.... another pair of newlyweds.  Wendy is an artist and a teacher and Stephan is a
statistician.  Impressive people with huge hearts and huge dreams.  Spending time with them is
like breathing in fresh air.  

Clive, Gen, Lindy and Simi ... Lindy and Simi are quickly becoming
my Tuesday evening "Girl's Movie Night" buddies.
Fabulous women.  I am loving getting to know them both.

Wendy and Zoe humored me by spending hours baking
sugar cookies for Christmas.  Helped me feel a little less
homesick to be able to share one of my Christmas traditions with them.

Daniel, Yolindi and their lovely kids... we spent a wonderfully
relaxing weekend with these friends in Newcastle.  I was instantly
comfortable and felt so welcomed.  Their kids are super and seeing Daniel and
Yolindi interact with them was so inspiring.  Yolindi is in the process
of starting a brand new school.  A huge job, but there is no doubt she will be successful.

Kathy and Tony ... these folks were like parents to Derek when he
rented a room from them some years ago.  They have loved and prayed for
Derek all these years and are still an important part of his (and now my) life.
We spent a weekend with them in December.  Feels like we are due for
another visit!

Two of the best bonuses I got when I joined the Delmar clan... my lovely nieces,
Carey-Lee and Cristen-Lee.  Beautiful women who are becoming
very good friends.  I am so blessed!
And my handsome nephew, Bevan.  Such a great kid!  

My awesome new parents, Dennis and Wendy... Supportive, caring
and encouraging...I couldn't ask for more!  We will be celebrating their
50th wedding anniversary with them this April.  What an incredible
encouragement and inspiration they are to their kids.  

My fantastic new brother and sister... I wish we lived closer to each other
so that we could see each other more often.  Jodi and Graham are both extremely
talented and hard-working.  They've raised three amazing children and
have huge capacity for kindness and generosity.  

Our wonderful friends, Dawn and Bruce...they have supported and
loved Derek for years and now they have effortlessly added me to the
mix.  Comfortable to hang out with and full of love for their kids and for
life.  I was so touched by their kindness and love for us when we saw
them in Port Elizabeth.  So looking forward to a reunion in April!

Carey-Lee and Adrian... Adrian calls me "Tannie", which is Afrikaans for "Aunty".
He and Carey got married just this past year and so Uncle Derek and I are
enjoying getting to know them as the other newlyweds in the family.
Adrian and Carey are so well-suited to each other and I enjoyed
every minute of our time with them, especially hearing the stories
of God's goodness to them over the past few years.

My new cousins, Evie and Keith and their lovely girls...Evie is an extremely
talented artist and Keith does some incredible photography on the side.
Such creative and loving people.  Loved being in their home and sharing
some time with them.  Can't wait to meet their new grandchild and to
share that joy with them, too. 

Sadi... Derek's friend and work colleague from Turkey.  Sadi was there when
Derek "rescued" me back in August of 2010 and we spent an evening
together with Krista Lee in Istanbul.  He is now working here in Durban
alongside Derek and it is great to reconnect with him and to get to know him
on South African soil.  Isn't it incredible how things work out?

Aunty Anita and Uncle Louis ... they opened their home and hearts to us one weekend in
January. What a lovely couple!  They also have a love story that spans many years, just like
Derek and I, so I felt a kind of kinship to them immediately.
Good hearts and wonderful hosts!

Andre and Barbara... my new cousins and friends.  You know how you just
"click" with some people?  This is how I feel about Barbara.  I am just so blessed
to have instant family members who I also know are going to be life-long
friends.  God is good!

These are just some of the people who have impacted my life since I have been here.  
The adventure wouldn't have been half as adventurous without them.

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